Arcanine - 12/99 - STAFF Prerelease Promo Tweet NM-Mint, limit 20 $7.00 / $8.40 credit Buy This Product Details Set: Next Destinies Card Number: 12/99 Rarity: Promotional Illustrator: Mitsuhiro Arita Retreat Cost: 3 HP: 130 Stage: Stage 1 Card Type: Fire Name: Arcanine Finish: Holo Attack #1: RRC Fire Spin (100)Flip a coin. If tails, discard 2 Energy attached to this Pokn. Card Text: Ability Blazing ManeIf this Pokn is your Active Pokn and is damaged by an opponent's attack (even if this Pokn is Knocked Out), the Attacking Pokn is now Burned. Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company